Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So, the evil wins this time?

I have mixed feelings after reading this. Sure I'm not religious and haven't been to a midnight mass for ages and I understand the church's concerns, but still... Is this a compromise? Couldn't the police do better than advising to change the time? What's next then?

Drunks force churches to cancel midnight mass

A growing number of Catholic churches are cancelling midnight mass and holding Christmas Eve services earlier in the evening due to fears of disruption from drunken revellers.

Clergy are also concerned about worshippers trying to make their way home in the face of the threat of street violence and drunken driving. The move is reported by the Roman Catholic magazine, the Tablet.

It said: "Gun crime, rowdy crowds leaving pubs and dangerous drivers have forced many churches to celebrate their first Mass of Christmas Day in the early evening of Christmas Eve.

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