When the north starts to snow,
You naturally seek sun, ... and cold beer, in the south.
PORTUGALGinjinha from the oldest store in Lisboa that sells it - not too shabby. Even a cherry flavor hater like me liked it, especially at 10am!
BRAZILI honestly didn't do much in Rio except drinking caipirinhas on the beach - what else is one supposed to do?

Passion Fruit Caipirinha - exquisite!

More Brazilian pivos sampled:

[I was just very excited at the beer bottle holder which is novelty to me. And what's inside the holder is really a bottle of Kaiser and Skol, not the lame SOL!]PERUPivo Love - Peruvian edition.

Cusquena - apparently from Cusco. National brew that you can find everywhere in the country.

Whereas Arequipena is only available in the south - obviously mostly around Arequipa.

And in the meantime Lima's ambitious 2 year old new brand Franca wants a share too!

[Oh, and Inka Kola is THE soft drink in the country. Apparently Peru is the only country in the world that the American Colas are not leading the market. Guess who's the winner here?]